What Are the Top 5 QA Testing Trends for 2021?

The pandemic brought into sharp focus what we all knew anyway – technology and the digital transformation are now key to growth and success in business. And this reliance on tech and software solutions make QA even more important than ever. So, what are the top QA trends for 2021?

Codeless Testing Automation

The rise of the no-code movement has changed the technical landscape and testing is no exception. Codeless testing tools based on AI algorithms and visual modeling are rapidly becoming the go-to solution for businesses that need to adapt or upgrade their software regularly but don’t want to pay for in-house software developers.

Now, there is an irony here in that, codeless testing automation requires other automated tests that have already been developed by QA engineers. But as the client, do you really care how the product was developed or are you just pleased your new solution trumps your old one?

Codeless testing requires almost no technical knowledge at all. It’s simple to do, easy to review and, most importantly, is effective. That's why startups and large enterprises are turning to codeless testing automation in droves.

IoT-Driven Testing

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the global leader in integrated tech solutions. As we come to rely on tech more at work and in our personal lives, integrated systems that work seamlessly together are increasingly important.

IoT-Driven testing ensures all aspects of the hardware and software are in sync and work well together. As always, cybersecurity is of utmost importance as criminals are always looking for ways to exploit vulnerabilities in systems. IoT-driven testing ensures smart devices are well-connected and secure to help prevent data breaches or financial loss.

IoT-Driven testing is being implemented by some of the biggest companies on the planet as they seek to leverage connectivity in pursuit of ever more insightful business data which can only lead to better informed decision making.

AI in Test Automation

AI is another solution that has taken the world by storm in recent years. And it’s already widely used in testing to help technical leaders get their products right by predicting user behaviors and outcomes, or by running tests in simulated environments.

It’s also used to carry out regression tests which give a far more accurate assessment of the state of software than can be obtained by gathering performance metrics. AI can also help ensure automated tests are correctly authored and implemented.

Over recent years, test automation has seen numerous benefits and the industry is set to grow to $28.8B by 2024 as new agile methods of software development incorporate testing at the development stage. This is helping technical leaders find solutions that reduce the costs of software maintenance – with the added benefit of reducing downtime and increasing productivity.

Performance Engineering

Performance engineering is crucial in minimizing the time spent on producing high-performance software. In the past, trying to develop software was a balancing act that required focus on value, usability, tech stacks and cybersecurity before UX even got a look in. Performance engineering is about making customer-centric testing an integral part of the software development at a much earlier stage.

This helps speed up the development process, reduce costs and ensure a more reliable and trustworthy product is brought to market.

Blockchain Testing

As blockchain becomes more popular, the need for blockchain testing becomes more relevant. After some initial scepticism around blockchain, it’s now being adopted by giants such as Facebook and Amazon. So, it’s fair to say blockchain is here to stay.

Testing decentralized technologies is very different from what we might call ‘traditional’ software testing and requires specialized solutions.

APIs, smart contracts, backend infrastructures and other aspects of blockchain technology cannot be neglected as they are crucial parts of what make blockchain effective and safe. So, blockchain testing is set to see a surge to reflect the increased appreciation for blockchain technology.


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